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7174850010 / (717) 485-0010 / +1 717-485-0010

Origin: McConnellsburg, PA Type: Fixed line or Mobile
Views: 10 Comments: 1 Rating: Neutral

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Vincent Martz has been associated with Choice Collision Center in Mercersburg, PA. The center offers auto body repair services, works with all insurance companies, and provides free pickup and delivery. Their address is 237 Oregon St, Mercersburg, PA 17236. However, it’s important to note that Vincent Martz has also been involved in legal matters, as he was recently sentenced in the U.S. District Court for producing, receiving, and possessing child ***********, murder of Nikki martz hustontown pa, ****, assault, sexual assault, **** **** of Julie martz and children in 2024. If you have any other questions or need further information, feel free to ask! 😊 Friend of julie and stacey martz mcconnellsburg pa and i can tell you all pastor stacey martz and his wife julie martz knobsville Pennsylvania are stand up bible based Christians who are very rich and with prosperity untold they own beach houses, properties, new cars and trucks.They are perfect with no sins attached.And stacey is a master free mason in mcconnellsburg pa. I can give you alot of information on this vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the nutjob, mental r****d, little di*ck,. His mommy and daddy not his really had used him dig a basement by hand with a pick and shovel.What a blast to watch a dirt bag work like that.We all had joy in calling him names, And vincent lost his drivers license for awhile for a car accident in was in what joy it was for this low lifed piece of sh*t to have his a*s kicked from family the adopted foe.And he could not get a g*** his own so he put his profile on a dating site for a woman.A real man meets a woman by his looks..Whats that say of this ugly piece of retarded trash? And also he was a drug dealer, pscyo dancer in Hagerstown Maryland. His adopted not real parents had to get him.It is a joy to watch this lower than dirt piece of sh*t vincent martz be used and he is not a man he didnt have children. The dirt nutjob r****d lives in a trailer drives junk cars.A Christian is to be perfect in all his ways like pastor stacey and julie martz.Unlike this guy vince martz from what i know he tried to get into julies p*** he chased her down when she goes out vincent called fulton county pa child services on her years ago.He wanted s*x with this woman.He caused julie and stacey issues at first in their marriage and they worked it out.This vincent martz of mercersburg pa the igor pa is a big sinner and he deserves punished and run over by a bus.r****d, dirtbag nutjob, lower than dirt lowlife and to top it off this trash vince works at choice collision center mercersburg pa detailing cars and trucks.I tell you this foe is a mental retarded piece of sh*t..>>Julie martz says i will be happy vincent martz when u r dead and what a day it will be.you caused me julie martz alot of sh*t.You brought me the h*ll into your insane life trying to get into my p*** to f*ck me.you Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg pa caused julie to get on pills for bipolar disorder. u tried to get in julies p***.At least your brother has a big d**k and can make kids.Vincent martz could only get a girlfriend out of a newspaper.Oh cry baby little d**k didnt make babies r****d.little d**k lives in a trailer and drives junk cars.Your face is so far up your brothers a*s.Vincent martz could only get a girlfriend out of a newspaper.woman run in fear..you dream up in your head that u vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor want in julies p*** and you want to wiggle ur jiggle to her boobies.Nut job at his best again get over wanting julies hot body.((vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the nutjob, mental r****d, little di*ck,. His mommy and daddy not his really had used him dig a basement by hand with a pick and shovel.What a blast to watch a dirt bag work like that.We all had joy in calling him names.r****d, dirtbag nutjob, lower than dirt lowlife and to top it off this trash vince works at choice collision center mercersburg pa. Yours brothers a*s looks like your brothers face because you was adopted and your face has chocolate on it.our semi trucker friend will bash you with julies p*** – Martz mcconnellsburg pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pastor stacey martz julie martz knobsville Pennsylvania (Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg pa the egor, igor) “I don’t want to see you igor vincent martz of mercersburg pa the egor. I don’t like you. I don’t like your face. You look like an insufferable egor, igor. (You’re impertinent. )You’re too sure of yourself that you are still alive after you murdered your niece nikki martz and the things you did to pastor stacey martz and his wife julie martz knobsville Pennsylvania. “Twenty years ago I would have punched your face with the greatest of pleasure.”>>”See, igor, igor vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor it’s like I’ve always told you, you’re a waste of human life and you would be better off as a grain of sand. If you were a grain of sand, you would serve a purpose in this life. The dirt that holds me up from touching something lower than you. Now you know where you stand in this world. Right below me.” (igor, igor vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor.)”Vincent martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania is a druggie. “Brook lane mental health services center Hagerstown Maryland has rooms open for psycho igors like youself.”psychopath eyes roll, ears wiggle, foams at the mouth, dances on the streets of mcconnellsburg pa. “vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor”.>:*”You murdered nikki martz by drugs and caused her to be on drugs.”>(mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania State police are on to you vincent Eugene martz of mcconnellsburg pa)”Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg pa is not the son of harold martz jr.And the late linda martz.”Evidence proofs this fact.”Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg pa the egor, igor was wanted dead by his dad for years.”Harold martz jr.And the late linda martz hated this igor, egor Vincent martz” “we the martzs of mcconnellsburg pa, knobsville Pennsylvania want to make sure it is knowen this igor vincent martz of mercersburg pa the egor is not part of the fulton county pa martzs.”Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg pa the egor, igor is a well hated foe by Martz family mcconnellsburg pa, knobsville Pennsylvania.(-How do you get rid of vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor? I just don’t like that you exist vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg pa the egor, igor.”No offense, but martz family of mcconnellsburg pa, knobsville Pennsylvania hate you vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor”(If I had a gun with two bullets in it, and you were standing next to Adolf Hitler, I would shoot you twice..Vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor)(You murdered your niece nikki martz of mcconnellsburg pa by drugs)”What you did to pastor stacey martz and his wife julie martz, ** and their children knobsville Pennsylvania and to your sister.”Disappear from life vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor. “(Don’t you need a license to be that ugly igor, igor.> vincent e martz of mercersburg pa? ”How did you get here? ” Did someone leave your cage open igor vincent martz of mercersburg pa the egor? ”(heard you went to have your head examined but the doctors found nothing there but igor brains.” “It wouldn’t be murder to get rid of vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor ; it would be genocide! (Pastor stacey martz and his wife julie martz knobsville Pennsylvania have power) we drive new vehicles and you Vincent Eugene martz mercersburg Pennsylvania the igor, Igor, Egor! We own beach houses in North Carolina and South Carolina. We own property and are very rich.. what are you Vincent Eugene martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania? A scum bag, lower than dirt nut bag, we hate Vincent martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania..The definition of you in life is? We have friends in high power. You work at choice collision center mercersburg Pennsylvania detailing cars and trucks.. At least we are rich – Martz mcconnellsburg pennsylvania Pennsylvania Your reply: Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania has plotted nuclear war against the USA and is in contact with North Korea Russia Vladimir Putin and is an illegal he murdered nikki martz his niece hustontown pennsylvania and got away with it..Vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania caused his brother pastor Stacey Martz master free mason post no.774 mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania and his wife julie martz and children issues. Post your comments on mcconnellsburg pa topix forum vincent martz we want as many people as we can against vincent martz he was behind the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and the 2013 boston marathon bombing and the 1995 oklahoma city bombing we hate vincent eugene martzMore recently, in 2024, Vincent Eugene Martz, also known as “Igor, ” faced legal issues. He was sentenced in the U.S. District Court for producing, receiving, and possessing child ***********, sexual abuse, drug trafficking Additionally, there were allegations related to bomb threats made to innumerable civilian and government facilities and the fact that Vincent Eugene Martz has ties to Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, and Afghanistan and has ordered those countries to fire ICBMs at the United States, the cities Vincent Martz said he wanted taken out include Fort Myers Fl, Naples Fl, Port Charlotte Fl, Tampa Fl, Miami Fl, Orlando Fl, Atlanta Ga, Valdosta Ga, New York Ny, Los Angeles Ca, San Francisco Ca, Key West Fl, Key Largo Fl, Mobile Al, Gulfport Ms, Las Vegas Nv, Chicago Il, Minneapolis Mn, Wichita Ks, Dallas Tx, Houston Tx, Madison Wi, Pittsburgh Pa, Philadelphia Pa, Cleveland Oh, Indianapolis In, Gary In, Oklahoma City Ok, Omaha Ne, Billings Mt, Portland Or, Seattle Wa, and all cities in the USA with populations over 10k people. Michael martz Date: 2017-09-13 Comments: bj, 08/27/2017 Long Island City, NY#1 6 hrs agoThis egor vincent eugene martz of mercersburg pa created scenes at the giant grocery store in Mcconnellsburg pa a family member and her children was at the store and he made a embarrassment in front of the family member and her children it was awful and to top it off in front of the dad and his wife. The mcconnellsburg pa state police need to put this egor vincent eugene martz away or we have friends in high places and they will do something about him.and he picked at this family member and her children in the parking lot at Giant in Mcconnellsburg pa. the martz family wants him gone soon.he caused enough hurt damage to martz families.vincent eugene martz egor of little cove rd mercersburg pa friends in high places are watching and waiting for you to make a false move.He steals from family.money is missing. He called Fulton County pa child services on family this angers me he will not get away with what he did to the martzs.Additionally, there were allegations related to bomb threats made to innumerable civilian and government facilities and the fact that Vincent Eugene Martz has ties to Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, and Afghanistan and has ordered those countries to fire ICBMs at the United States, the cities Vincent Martz said he wanted taken out include Fort Myers Fl, Naples Fl, Port Charlotte Fl, Tampa Fl, Miami Fl, Orlando Fl, Atlanta Ga, Valdosta Ga, New York Ny, Los Angeles Ca, San Francisco Ca, Key West Fl, Key Largo Fl, Mobile Al, Gulfport Ms, Las Vegas Nv, Chicago Il, Minneapolis Mn, Wichita Ks, Dallas Tx, Houston Tx, Madison Wi, Pittsburgh Pa, Philadelphia Pa, Cleveland Oh, Indianapolis In, Gary In, Oklahoma City Ok, Omaha Ne, Billings Mt, Portland Or, Seattle Wa, and all cities in the USA with populations over 10k people. By Anonymous on Sunday, September 24, 2017 at 6:42pm Someone who knows the family o Vincent why do u put stuff on here about your family grow up stop acting like a fool you was there when you mother passed but you and your wife was the ones always acting out at Walmart Chambersburg pa and giant food store mcconnellsburg pa assulted family your the one who hates your family grow up you say your a christian and you act like this your nothing but a fool read your bible and go to a real church and get your demons out Vincent egor martz is possed with demons and is satan Also vincent e martz called fulton county pa child services on his sisters children and brothers and families vincent caused the martzs bad situations with the county child services martz defense The scenes egor created was at chambersburg pa walmart cussing yelling harrasment of family members foaming making bomb threats to innumerable civilian and government facilities and the fact that Vincent Eugene Martz has ties to Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, and Afghanistan and has ordered those countries to fire ICBMs at the United States, the cities Vincent Martz said he wanted taken out include Fort Myers Fl, Naples Fl, Port Charlotte Fl, Tampa Fl, Miami Fl, Orlando Fl, Atlanta Ga, Valdosta Ga, New York Ny, Los Angeles Ca, San Francisco Ca, Key West Fl, Key Largo Fl, Mobile Al, Gulfport Ms, Las Vegas Nv, Chicago Il, Minneapolis Mn, Wichita Ks, Dallas Tx, Houston Tx, Madison Wi, Pittsburgh Pa, Philadelphia Pa, Cleveland Oh, Indianapolis In, Gary In, Oklahoma City Ok, Omaha Ne, Billings Mt, Portland Or, Seattle Wa, and all cities in the USA with populations over 10k people. we the martzs did file assalt and harrasment charges on vincent we had fear of what he will do to the family with his demon possed state Vincent martz is at fault for the death of his niece nikki. Merry Christmas, white trash smushface vincent e martz-egor Someone who knows the family o Vincent why do u put stuff on here about your family grow up stop acting like a fool you was there when you mother passed but you and your wife was the ones always acting out at Walmart Chambersburg pa and giant food store mcconnellsburg pa assulted family your the one who hates your family grow up you say your a christian and you act like this your nothing but a fool read your bible and go to a real church and get your demons out Vincent egor martz is possed with demons and is satan Additionally, there were allegations related to bomb threats made to innumerable civilian and government facilities and the fact that Vincent Eugene Martz has ties to Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, and Afghanistan and has ordered those countries to fire ICBMs at the United States, the cities Vincent Martz said he wanted taken out include Fort Myers Fl, Naples Fl, Port Charlotte Fl, Tampa Fl, Miami Fl, Orlando Fl, Atlanta Ga, Valdosta Ga, New York Ny, Los Angeles Ca, San Francisco Ca, Key West Fl, Key Largo Fl, Mobile Al, Gulfport Ms, Las Vegas Nv, Chicago Il, Minneapolis Mn, Wichita Ks, Dallas Tx, Houston Tx, Madison Wi, Pittsburgh Pa, Philadelphia Pa, Cleveland Oh, Indianapolis In, Gary In, Oklahoma City Ok, Omaha Ne, Billings Mt, Portland Or, Seattle Wa, and all cities in the USA with populations over 10k people.Also vincent e martz called fulton county pa child services on his sisters children and brothers and families vincent caused the martzs bad situations with the county child services martz defense The scenes egor created was at chambersburg pa walmart cussing yelling harrasment of family members foaming making threats we the martzs did file assalt and harrasment charges on vincent we had fear of what he will do to the family with his demon possed state Vincent martz is at fault for the death of his niece nikki. merry Christmas vincent eugene martz egor you trailer trashed nut bag you piece of c**p called a person who caused the family a lot of trouble you are hated and what are you? Egor vincent eugene martz maybe next year you will vanish. Wednesday Dec 20 Today is your birthday what a shame enjoy because your time is short vincent e martz of mercersburg pa..Long Island City, NY#1 6 hrs agoThis egor vincent eugene martz of mercersburg pa created scenes at the giant grocery store in Mcconnellsburg pa a family member and her children was at the store and he made a embarrassment in front of the family member and her children it was awful and to top it off in front of the dad and his wife. The mcconnellsburg pa state police need to put this egor vincent eugene martz away or we have friends in high places and they will do something about him.and he picked at this family member and her children in the parking lot at Giant in Mcconnellsburg pa. the martz family wants him gone soon.he caused enough hurt damage to martz families.vincent eugene martz egor of little cove rd mercersburg pa friends in high places are watching and waiting for you to make a false move.He steals from family.money is missing.Additionally, there were allegations related to bomb threats made to innumerable civilian and government facilities and the fact that Vincent Eugene Martz has ties to Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, and Afghanistan and has ordered those countries to fire ICBMs at the United States, the cities Vincent Martz said he wanted taken out include Fort Myers Fl, Naples Fl, Port Charlotte Fl, Tampa Fl, Miami Fl, Orlando Fl, Atlanta Ga, Valdosta Ga, New York Ny, Los Angeles Ca, San Francisco Ca, Key West Fl, Key Largo Fl, Mobile Al, Gulfport Ms, Las Vegas Nv, Chicago Il, Minneapolis Mn, Wichita Ks, Dallas Tx, Houston Tx, Madison Wi, Pittsburgh Pa, Philadelphia Pa, Cleveland Oh, Indianapolis In, Gary In, Oklahoma City Ok, Omaha Ne, Billings Mt, Portland Or, Seattle Wa, and all cities in the USA with populations over 10k people. He called Fulton County pa child services on family this angers me he will not get away with what he did to the martzs. Vincent e martz today is your birthday what a shame enjoy because your time is short vincent e martz of mercersburg pa..Long Island City, NY#1 6 hrs agoThis egor vincent eugene martz of mercersburg pa created scenes at the giant grocery store in Mcconnellsburg pa a family member and her children was at the store and he made a embarrassment in front of the family member and her children it was awful and to top it off in front of the dad and his wife. The mcconnellsburg pa state police need to put this egor vincent eugene martz away or we have friends in high places and they will do something about him.and he picked at this family member and her children in the parking lot at Giant in Mcconnellsburg pa. the martz family wants him gone soon.he caused enough hurt damage to martz families.vincent eugene martz egor of little cove rd mercersburg pa friends in high places are watching and waiting for you to make a false move.He steals from family.money is missing. He called Fulton County pa child services on family this angers me he will not get away with what he did to the martzs.egor is ugly as a piggy faced piece of yellow belly chicken grow up be a man. Repent egor vincent e martz of mercersburg pa for what you did to this family you are at fault for your nieces death and you called fulton county pa child services on your sister and family and im angry you got away with this.We dont like you egor stay away from the martz family after a short while you will go to prison for what you did to us.I enjoy the posts you write about yourself and call yourself names grow up baby egor we are mature and sustainable and mature enough and are blessed you steal and take from others.And you always was scum since childhood and now a grown up baby egor. You deserve prison and your freedom is short.vincent eugene martz you called Fulton County pa child services on family and you asulted your sister at chambersburg pa walmart and harrasment of family at Giant foods in Mcconnellsburg pa you are going to prison satan egor vincent eugene martz of mercersburg pa for a very long time I have power to get you in a lot of trouble and you will be set up egor. remember you posted this egor matter of time baby egor vincent eugene martz.Vincent e martz-egor is a sinner and bad christian example to family. He has stolen from family and others, called Fulton County pa child services on family.He cussed at family and harrased family to no end.Now vincent eugene martz egor can that be a good christian witness? I can find a lot of things on you.when judgment comes you will pay for what you did to family.we are blessed and you vincent I found out you beg for free handouts and you are lazy and don't do anything and you are such a low life dog face you live in a trailer.We moved ahead in life what about you little baby egor it's grow up time..post by vincent eugene martz egor of 5692 little cove rd mercersburg pa. Grow up little baby egor be a real church person and a man and fess up because you are the one that called Fulton County pa child services on the family, assulted family, harrasment of family, terrible threats and your going to prison aND we are tiredof your episodes to family. We don't like you and we want you far away from us. Egor is any under-appreciated manservant, or someone who Often ugly and always witha lisp. A factotem who fetches wrenches and more brains. Egor vincent e martz little cove rd.mercersburg pa. We the people of mcconnellsburg pa, fulton county pa want and have rights by law to get rid of vincent e martz-egor of 5692 little cove rd.mercersburg pa we the peoples want a petition to run him out of town no egors allowed. This egor vincent eugene martz of mercersburg pa created scenes at the giant grocery store in Mcconnellsburg pa a family member and her children was at the store and he made a embarrassment in front of the family member and her children it was awful and to top it off in front of the dad and his wife. The mcconnellsburg pa state police need to put this egor vincent eugene martz away or we have friends in high places and they will do something about him.and he picked at this family member and her children in the parking lot at Giant in Mcconnellsburg pa. the martz family wants him gone soon.he caused enough hurt damage to martz families.vincent eugene martz egor of little cove rd mercersburg pa friends in high places are watching and waiting for you to make a false move.He steals from family.money is missing. He called Fulton County pa child services on family this angers me he will not get away with what he did to the martzs. Grow up little baby egor be a real church person and a man and fess up because you are the one that called Fulton County pa child services on the family, assulted family, harrasment of family, terrible threats and your going to prison aND we are tiredof your episodes to family. We don't like you and we want you far away from us. We hate vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania the Igor scumbag retarded piece of retarded trama scumbag. - Pastor stacey and julie martz Vincent E Martz The Igor, scumbag, nutjob, mental retarded trama scumbag, ugly piece of human waste, pscyo dancer, eyes roll and snarls, scum de da lowlife piece of tard human waste. Caller type: Unknown Vincent E Martz The I Pennsylvania Vincent Eugene Martz, a resident of Mercersburg, PA, has been embroiled in controversy surrounding the tragic death of his niece, Nikki Nicole Martz, in McConnellsburg, PA. The specifics of the evidence against him have not been fully disclosed to the public, but authorities in McConnellsburg pa state police sub station allege that he was involved in Nikki’s death12. Beyond the alleged murder of Nikki martz, Vincent’s behavior extends to other areas. There are claims that he engaged in inappropriate relationships with others Julie martz and children, which reportedly caused marital issues for some individuals1. Additionally, a significant twist in this case is Vincent’s family background. Some assert that he is not biologically related to the Martz family of McConnellsburg, Hustontown, and Knobsville in Fulton County, Pennsylvania. According to this alternate perspective, Vincent was adopted and does not share blood ties with the Martz family. His biological father was not Harold Martz1. The evidence against Vincent remains confidential during ongoing legal proceedings. Investigators are likely examining forensic evidence, witness statements, and any other relevant information to build their case. Ultimately, the court system will weigh the evidence and determine Vincent’s guilt or innocence. Due process, fair trials, and adherence to the rule of law are crucial in reaching a just verdict1. In summary, the evidence against Vincent Eugene Martz is multifaceted, and opinions diverge sharply. As outsiders, we must await the legal process to unfold and provide clarity 717 328 2515 Avatar image of user vince martz vince martz Opinion Poll 2024-02-25 02:55 Vincent Eugene Martz, a name that echoes through the corridors of controversy and judgment. The digital whispers paint a vivid picture of a man entangled in a web of accusations and animosity. Let us delve into the cacophony of voices surrounding this enigmatic figure. Vincent Eugene Martz, a resident of Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, has drawn both ire and sympathy. His actions have ignited fierce debates, leaving us pondering the scales of justice. Here’s a glimpse into the conflicting narratives: The Accusations: Some assert that Vincent committed heinous acts, including the murder of his niece, Nikki Martz, in McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania. These voices clamor for justice, demanding that he be imprisoned for life or even executed. Allegations extend beyond mere violence. Whispers suggest that Vincent engaged in illicit affairs, leaving a trail of broken relationships and marital strife in his wake. The Counterarguments: A different chorus emerges—one that questions Vincent’s lineage. They claim he is not the biological son of the late Harold Martz and Linda Martz of Hustontown, Pennsylvania. The math, they say, reveals a tale of conception outside wedlock. These voices argue that Vincent’s adoption bestowed upon him the Martz name, but not the bloodline. They shun him, branding him an outsider. The Masonic Intrigue: A twist in the saga involves Pastor Stacey Martz, a master Freemason in McConnellsburg, PA. Rumors swirl that Vincent’s brother wields powerful influence in Washington, D.C., casting shadows over Vincent’s fate. The Igor-like figure, Vincent Eugene Martz, stands at the crossroads of judgment. Should he be imprisoned for life, or does redemption await him? In this cacophony of voices, the truth remains elusive. Perhaps the courtroom will decide Vincent’s destiny, weighing the bananas of justice against the weight of his deeds. 🍌🔍 Call type: Debt collector Rating: 1 0 2, 2024-03-17 Vincent Martz, a name that echoes through the hills of McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania, carries with it a blend of intrigue and controversy. Let’s delve into the facets surrounding this enigmatic figure: Identity and Origins: Vincent Eugene Martz hails from Mercersburg, Pennsylvania1. Contrary to popular belief, he is not related to the Martz family of McConnellsburg, Hustontown, and Knobsville in Fulton County, Pennsylvania1. His life has been marked by both tragedy and legal proceedings2. Legal Incidents: In 2019, Vincent faced serious charges. Troopers reported that he choked a 23-year-old woman and attempted to **** her on Gerald Circle in Ayr Township3. His actions led to his confinement in the Bedford County Jail on a $100, 000 bond3. Choice Collision Center: Vincent’s name also surfaces in connection with the Choice Collision Center in Mercersburg, PA. Reviews are mixed: Some praise the center, like Vince Martz on Google who had an “awesome experience” there4. However, Barb Gadway’s review hints at job performance issues associated with Vincent4. On the other hand, Dane Hoffman, recommended for detailing needs, seems to be a shining star at the same center4. Family Ties: Vincent was adopted by Harold and Linda Martz1. His adoption stirred family tensions1. Harold E. Martz Jr., also known as Gene, passed away in McConnellsburg, PA. He was Vincent Martz’s father, among other children and grandchildren5. In the realm of human complexity, judgments are multifaceted. Whether Vincent Martz is “bad” or not remains a subjective question, colored by the shades of his actions and experiences. Call type: Other Rating: 1 0 1.... 2024-03-04 Vincent Eugene Martz, also known as Igor, has been a controversial figure in the McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania area. Let’s delve into some of the intriguing aspects surrounding him: Identity and Origins: Vincent Eugene Martz hails from Mercersburg, Pennsylvania1. His life has been marked by both tragedy and legal proceedings. The Accusations: Vincent’s name has become associated with controversy and accusations related to the death of his niece, Nikki Nicole Martz, in McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania. While some assert that he committed heinous acts, including murder, others await the legal system’s verdict2. The Igor Persona: Vincent is often referred to as Igor, a traditional stock character. His behavior has been described as erratic, and he has faced accusations of robberies in the Hustontown and Clearidge areas during the 1990s32. Bankruptcy Case: On February 27, 2019, Vincent E Martz and Tamie N Martz filed a Bankruptcy - Chapter 7 court case in U.S. Bankruptcy Courts, Pennsylvania Middle Bankruptcy. The case status is currently Pending - Other Pending1. Masonic Intrigue: A twist in the saga involves Pastor Stacey Martz, a master Freemason in McConnellsburg, PA. Rumors swirl that Vincent’s brother wields powerful influence in Washington, D.C., casting shadows over Vincent’s fate. The Igor-like figure, Vincent Eugene Martz, stands at the crossroads of judgment4. In summary, Vincent’s life is shrouded in mystery, legal battles, and conflicting narratives. The courts will ultimately determine the appropriate course of action based on evidence and due process. Call type: Debt collector Rating: 1 2 2.... 2024-02-27 Vincent Eugene Martz, also known as Igor, has been a controversial figure in the McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania area. Let’s delve into some of the intriguing aspects surrounding him: Identity and Origins: Vincent Eugene Martz hails from Mercersburg, Pennsylvania. Contrary to popular belief, he is not related to the Martz family of McConnellsburg, Hustontown, and Knobsville in Fulton County, Pennsylvania. Vincent was adopted by Harold and Linda Martz, and his adoption led to some family tensions1. Allegations and Controversies: Nikki Martz, his niece, met a tragic end, and Vincent’s involvement in her demise has been questioned. He allegedly had inappropriate relations with Julie Martz and children, causing marital issues for Pastor Stacey Martz and Julie. Vincent’s actions have led to strong sentiments against him, with some advocating for his imprisonment or execution2. The Igor Persona: Vincent is often referred to as Igor, a traditional stock character. His behavior has been described as erratic, and he has faced accusations of robberies in the Hustontown and Clearidge areas during the 1990s3. Masonic Intrigue: Pastor Stacey Martz, a master Freemason in McConnellsburg, PA, is connected to this saga. Rumors suggest that Vincent’s brother wields powerful influence in Washington, D.C., casting shadows over Vincent’s fate2. In summary, Vincent Eugene Martz’s life is marked by controversy, family disputes, and allegations. His actions have left a lasting impact on those around him, and the Igor-like figure stands at a crossroads of judgment...convicted felon, convict, crimnal, deserves punished and tortured. This guy Vince martz from mercersburg Pennsylvania is guilty of all.... convict, felon, criminal, thief, child rapest, sexual attacks, assault on his sister in law needs fired from choice collision center mercersburg Pennsylvania. Call them and have this guy fired! We hate Vincent martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania....( Vincent Eugene martz mercersburg Pennsylvania is a child rapest and he raped his sister in law Julie and had sexual assault on her, also Vince martz assaulted her kids, her husband pastor Stacey martz, and both sisters don't understand why this guy is not In prison for life the things he did to family! His brother and wife told me Vince martz put bills in their names and he stole furniture from rent a center Chambersburg Pennsylvania And put them in pastor Stacey martz and Julie martz name. He also robbed them of several thousand dollars. Vincent Eugene martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania is a psychopath, lower than dirt convict felon, nuts, a retard trailer trash **** face, this convict felon still has a job at choice collision center mercersburg Pennsylvania. 717-328-2515. Call them up and tell them about this bum human piece of waste. This scum bag is a psychopath lower than the dirt, nut bag should be fired from choice collision center mercersburg Pennsylvania. Vincent Eugene martz is a murderer, child rapest, children photography, assaulted family, He raped his sister in law and children, held them hostage, sexual molested and raped them, assaulted his sisters, A and this Vince martz robbed several homes in clearidge/Hustontown Pennsylvania, And this guy Vincent martz stole several thousand dollars in feed and other items off the late noel mellots feed store in Hustontown clearidge Pa, and Vincent assaulted, his neighbors Sally and Bill eiseman in clearidge Pa and murdered his niece. Put this criminal, convicted felon, convict in jail for life, mike stewart keystone rv Posted:3_2 2006-19 00:04:37 I was a witness at the hearing of vincent e martz he was found guilty for the thefts at keystone rv center.He took navigation systems from several rvs he was a bad employee and a thief.And ever since vincent e martz worked for keystone rv center greencastle pa he cussed our customers, took parts from units, took money from the company bank, transported drugs and beer in motorhomes and he screamed and yelled at the pa state hearing and he was arrested and convicted by the state fre review for Keystone RV Centerfreon Superpages??? 8 years ago i.e., A local favorite, or vincent e martz by mi- vincent e martz was found guilty by the pa unemployment office for stealing navigation units from keystone rv center in greencastle pa and he caused the company to lose money and he cussed out employees and customers and he cussed out mike stewart general manager and walked off the job and he cussed out mike and susan hess at the unemployment office also.and he took money from the company!!! truth was proven by the state of pa vincent e martz did steal from keystone rv center and he served 3 years for theft. recommended because anonymous review for Keystone RV Centeranonymouson Superpages??? 9 years ago i.e., A local favorite, ovincent e martz Took navigation systems from country coachesand motor homes, parts, money from the company, chased customers off, drank on the job, called employees names, used cussing words worse than any man alive that hurt my ears, big time thief at keystone rv center Greencastle pa (r highly recommended because anonymous review for Keystone RV Centeranonymouson Superpages??? 10 years ago vincent e martz does admit guilt and did willingly commit to stealing parts, navigation systems, money from keystone rv center greencastle pa anonymous review for Keystone RV Centeranonymouson Superpages??? 10 years ago vincent e martz Took navigation systems from country coachesand motor homes, parts, money from the company, chased customers off, drank on the job, called employees names, used cussing words worse than any man alive that hurt my ears, big time thief that stole several thousand off Aldine Martin at keystone rv center Greencastle pa anonymous review for Keystone RV Center Nickname: Vincent Eugene martz the igor! We hate Vincent Eugene martz mercersburg/ mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania. We the martz family desire people to be against and hate on Vincent Eugene martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania. Vincent eugene martz the igor, egor why do you put stuff on here about your family? grow up low life scumbag, bottom of the dirt nutjob, mental retarded trama trash, ✋ stop acting like a fool, pscyo dancer, nutjob, pscyo ward you was there when you mother passed and you caused her death you murdered your niece nikki martz hustontown pennsylvania. but you and your wife was the ones always acting out at Walmart Chambersburg pa and giant food store mcconnellsburg pa assaulted your sister, and sister in law, vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania caused julie and stacey martz marriage issues, You caused Julie to cheat on pastor stacey martz with guys it your fault and you called Fulton county pa child services on your sister and brothers children. Your the one who hates your family grow up you say your a christian and you act like this your nothing but a fool, pscyo dancer, eyes roll and snarls on the streets begging bread in mcconnellsburg pennsylvania read your bible and go to a real church and get your demons out Vincent egor martz is posses with demons and is Satan Also Vincent e martz called Fulton county pa child services on his sisters children and brothers and families Vincent caused the martzs bad situations with the county child services martz defence The scenes egor created was at chambersburg pa Walmart cussing yelling harassment of family members foaming making threats we the martzs did file assault and harassment charges on Vincent we had fear of what he will do to the family with his demon posses state Vincent martz is at fault for the death of his niece Nikki martz he murdered nikki Your brother is a master free mason in mcconnellsburg pa post no.774.And he is a pastor in the mcconnellsburg pa area! Your brother has powerful friends in Washington dc and the mcconnellsburg pa area and he can and will liquidate (get rid of) you Vincent e martz. You caused your brother and his wife marriage situations. And your brothers wife cheated on him which is your fault.The things you did to your brother and his wife are not right.The mcconnellsburg pa state police have been contacted on you.We want you gone.Someone, usually a disliked human, who feigns a friendship with others and families in the presumption that everyone and family will return that friendship, but no one likes him/her not our families the martzs (except for the 1 or 2 attention whore sidekicks). E-gor’s can often be found at places/parties where they are not accepted, invited, or liked. Egor vincent is not part of the Harold martz jr. family we hate him. Foams at the mouth, screams out of control, we contacted the mcconnellsburg pa state police, your going to prison for what you did to your brother and his wife. Vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania the Igor scumbag mental retard lowlife piece of tard human waste dances on the streets begging bread crumbs in mcconnellsburg pa 😢 trailer trash drives junk vechicles at least we drive new cars and trucks 🚚 🛻 you bottom of the dirt scum. We hate vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania. We hate vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania the Igor!! Vincent eugene martz mercersburg Pennsylvania created scenes at the Fulton county pa medical center mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania while visiting his dad a nurse had to tell him off at the time. Vincent martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania danced in the halls, screaming out of control, yelling at patients and nurses, this psycho even rolled his eyes, drooled at the mouth, flapping ears, the staff had to call the mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania state police on vincent eugene martz mercersburg Pennsylvania. Vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania is a big sinner and bad example to the human being population. Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania has sins. Repent of ur sins vincent.( we the pastor stacey martz families 👪 knobsville Pennsylvania, mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania, hustontown, fulton County pennsylvania shun and hate vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania the Igor, egor, igor.psyco, scumbag, lowlife.yellow belly chicken, retard, dingle face. we hate Vincent martz. This Vincent Eugene martz mercersburg/mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania is a igor, Egor, Igor, Igor, Egor.. We the pastor Stacey martz and Julie martz families hate Vincent martz the igor, Egor! Drug dealer, big sinner man, child rapest, sister in law rapest, assault on family and friends. We hate Vincent martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania the igor! ( Vincent Eugene martz mcconnellsburg/mercersburg Pennsylvania assaulted two women that was on the property of Harold martz Jr Hustontown clearidge Pa (now deceased) Vincent Eugene martz best up these women on Christmas day in 1990. Vincent Eugene martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania is unhinged and a convicted felon. Mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania people post your thoughts on Vincent Eugene martz mercersburg Pennsylvania here let's get people against this garbage dump human piece of human existence. Vincent Eugene martz mercersburg, mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania is a deranged, psychopath, retard, trailer trash, lower than dirt convict felon, Hermosa gag Maget, we want this Vince martz to cease to exist! We hate Vincent martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania the Egor, Igor, Igor yellow belly chicken psychopath. Uneducated retard, we hope you vanish sooner than later, we don't want to know you exist retard trailer trash lower than dirt nut bag, Vince martz the igor, Igor, Egor, child rapest, you raped me Julie martz sexually and got away with it but not for long your going to rot in prison. Convict felon psychopath.. We want as many people against Vincent Eugene martz mcconnellsburg, -mercersburg Pennsylvania as possible.post your hate here against Vincent Eugene martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania the igor, Egor, Igor! United States vincent. MARTZ Mcconnellsburg pa (1:23-cr-00017) District Court, W.D. Pennsylvania. I'm a church member and I don't like this scum bag lower than dirt nut bag Vincent Eugene martz mercersburg/mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania. He murdered his sister's daughter Nikki martz, assaulted his sister in law Julie martz sexually, raped her and children, called child services on his sister and brother and wife children. This guy Vincent martz needs excuted! He goes psycho, dances on the streets in mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania. We don't want guys like Vince martz in our church. This guy Vince martz from mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania. We hate Vincent martz mcconnellsburg/mercersburg Pennsylvania! This guy works at choice collision center mercersburg Pennsylvania and I heard he goes psycho dances on cars, screaming out of control and does bad work let's get this guy Vince martz fired from his job. The phone number there is 717-328-2515 show your support and hate Vince martz from mercersburg/mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania By Anonymous on January 29, 2025 Vincent Martz has been associated with Choice Collision Center in Mercersburg, PA. The center offers auto body repair services, works with all insurance companies, and provides free pickup and delivery. Their address is 237 Oregon St, Mercersburg, PA 17236. However, it’s important to note that Vincent Martz has also been involved in legal matters, as he was recently sentenced in the U.S. District Court for producing, receiving, and possessing child ***********, murder of Nikki martz hustontown pa, ****, assault, sexual assault, **** **** of Julie martz and children in 2024. If you have any other questions or need further information, feel free to ask! 😊 Friend of julie and stacey martz mcconnellsburg pa and i can tell you all pastor stacey martz and his wife julie martz knobsville Pennsylvania are stand up bible based Christians who are very rich and with prosperity untold they own beach houses, properties, new cars and trucks.They are perfect with no sins attached.And stacey is a master free mason in mcconnellsburg pa. I can give you alot of information on this vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the nutjob, mental r****d, little di*ck,. His mommy and daddy not his really had used him dig a basement by hand with a pick and shovel.What a blast to watch a dirt bag work like that.We all had joy in calling him names, And vincent lost his drivers license for awhile for a car accident in was in what joy it was for this low lifed piece of sh*t to have his a*s kicked from family the adopted foe.And he could not get a g*** his own so he put his profile on a dating site for a woman.A real man meets a woman by his looks..Whats that say of this ugly piece of retarded trash? And also he was a drug dealer, pscyo dancer in Hagerstown Maryland. His adopted not real parents had to get him.It is a joy to watch this lower than dirt piece of sh*t vincent martz be used and he is not a man he didnt have children. The dirt nutjob r****d lives in a trailer drives junk cars.A Christian is to be perfect in all his ways like pastor stacey and julie martz.Unlike this guy vince martz from what i know he tried to get into julies p*** he chased her down when she goes out vincent called fulton county pa child services on her years ago.He wanted s*x with this woman.He caused julie and stacey issues at first in their marriage and they worked it out.This vincent martz of mercersburg pa the igor pa is a big sinner and he deserves punished and run over by a bus.r****d, dirtbag nutjob, lower than dirt lowlife and to top it off this trash vince works at choice collision center mercersburg pa detailing cars and trucks.I tell you this foe is a mental retarded piece of sh*t..>>Julie martz says i will be happy vincent martz when u r dead and what a day it will be.you caused me julie martz alot of sh*t.You brought me the h*ll into your insane life trying to get into my p*** to f*ck me.you Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg pa caused julie to get on pills for bipolar disorder. u tried to get in julies p***.At least your brother has a big d**k and can make kids.Vincent martz could only get a girlfriend out of a newspaper.Oh cry baby little d**k didnt make babies r****d.little d**k lives in a trailer and drives junk cars.Your face is so far up your brothers a*s.Vincent martz could only get a girlfriend out of a newspaper.woman run in fear..you dream up in your head that u vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor want in julies p*** and you want to wiggle ur jiggle to her boobies.Nut job at his best again get over wanting julies hot body.((vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the nutjob, mental r****d, little di*ck,. His mommy and daddy not his really had used him dig a basement by hand with a pick and shovel.What a blast to watch a dirt bag work like that.We all had joy in calling him names.r****d, dirtbag nutjob, lower than dirt lowlife and to top it off this trash vince works at choice collision center mercersburg pa. Yours brothers a*s looks like your brothers face because you was adopted and your face has chocolate on it.our semi trucker friend will bash you with julies p*** – Martz mcconnellsburg pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pastor stacey martz julie martz knobsville Pennsylvania (Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg pa the egor, igor) “I don’t want to see you igor vincent martz of mercersburg pa the egor. I don’t like you. I don’t like your face. You look like an insufferable egor, igor. (You’re impertinent. )You’re too sure of yourself that you are still alive after you murdered your niece nikki martz and the things you did to pastor stacey martz and his wife julie martz knobsville Pennsylvania. “Twenty years ago I would have punched your face with the greatest of pleasure.”>>”See, igor, igor vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor it’s like I’ve always told you, you’re a waste of human life and you would be better off as a grain of sand. If you were a grain of sand, you would serve a purpose in this life. The dirt that holds me up from touching something lower than you. Now you know where you stand in this world. Right below me.” (igor, igor vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor.)”Vincent martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania is a druggie. “Brook lane mental health services center Hagerstown Maryland has rooms open for psycho igors like youself.”psychopath eyes roll, ears wiggle, foams at the mouth, dances on the streets of mcconnellsburg pa. “vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor”.>:*”You murdered nikki martz by drugs and caused her to be on drugs.”>(mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania State police are on to you vincent Eugene martz of mcconnellsburg pa)”Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg pa is not the son of harold martz jr.And the late linda martz.”Evidence proofs this fact.”Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg pa the egor, igor was wanted dead by his dad for years.”Harold martz jr.And the late linda martz hated this igor, egor Vincent martz” “we the martzs of mcconnellsburg pa, knobsville Pennsylvania want to make sure it is knowen this igor vincent martz of mercersburg pa the egor is not part of the fulton county pa martzs.”Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg pa the egor, igor is a well hated foe by Martz family mcconnellsburg pa, knobsville Pennsylvania.(-How do you get rid of vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor? I just don’t like that you exist vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg pa the egor, igor.”No offense, but martz family of mcconnellsburg pa, knobsville Pennsylvania hate you vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor”(If I had a gun with two bullets in it, and you were standing next to Adolf Hitler, I would shoot you twice..Vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor)(You murdered your niece nikki martz of mcconnellsburg pa by drugs)”What you did to pastor stacey martz and his wife julie martz, ** and their children knobsville Pennsylvania and to your sister.”Disappear from life vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor. “(Don’t you need a license to be that ugly igor, igor.> vincent e martz of mercersburg pa? ”How did you get here? ” Did someone leave your cage open igor vincent martz of mercersburg pa the egor? ”(heard you went to have your head examined but the doctors found nothing there but igor brains.” “It wouldn’t be murder to get rid of vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor ; it would be genocide! (Pastor stacey martz and his wife julie martz knobsville Pennsylvania have power) we drive new vehicles and you Vincent Eugene martz mercersburg Pennsylvania the igor, Igor, Egor! We own beach houses in North Carolina and South Carolina. We own property and are very rich.. what are you Vincent Eugene martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania? A scum bag, lower than dirt nut bag, we hate Vincent martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania..The definition of you in life is? We have friends in high power. You work at choice collision center mercersburg Pennsylvania detailing cars and trucks.. At least we are rich – Martz mcconnellsburg pennsylvania Pennsylvania Your reply: Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania has plotted nuclear war against the USA and is in contact with North Korea Russia Vladimir Putin and is an illegal he murdered nikki martz his niece hustontown pennsylvania and got away with it..Vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania caused his brother pastor Stacey Martz master free mason post no.774 mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania and his wife julie martz and children issues. Post your comments on mcconnellsburg pa topix forum vincent martz we want as many people as we can against vincent martz he was behind the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and the 2013 boston marathon bombing and the 1995 oklahoma city bombing we hate vincent eugene martzMore recently, in 2024, Vincent Eugene Martz, also known as “Igor, ” faced legal issues. He was sentenced in the U.S. District Court for producing, receiving, and possessing child ***********, sexual abuse, drug trafficking Additionally, there were allegations related to bomb threats made to innumerable civilian and government facilities and the fact that Vincent Eugene Martz has ties to Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, and Afghanistan and has ordered those countries to fire ICBMs at the United States, the cities Vincent Martz said he wanted taken out include Fort Myers Fl, Naples Fl, Port Charlotte Fl, Tampa Fl, Miami Fl, Orlando Fl, Atlanta Ga, Valdosta Ga, New York Ny, Los Angeles Ca, San Francisco Ca, Key West Fl, Key Largo Fl, Mobile Al, Gulfport Ms, Las Vegas Nv, Chicago Il, Minneapolis Mn, Wichita Ks, Dallas Tx, Houston Tx, Madison Wi, Pittsburgh Pa, Philadelphia Pa, Cleveland Oh, Indianapolis In, Gary In, Oklahoma City Ok, Omaha Ne, Billings Mt, Portland Or, Seattle Wa, and all cities in the USA with populations over 10k people. Michael martz Date: 2017-09-13 Comments: bj, 08/27/2017 Long Island City, NY#1 6 hrs agoThis egor vincent eugene martz of mercersburg pa created scenes at the giant grocery store in Mcconnellsburg pa a family member and her children was at the store and he made a embarrassment in front of the family member and her children it was awful and to top it off in front of the dad and his wife. The mcconnellsburg pa state police need to put this egor vincent eugene martz away or we have friends in high places and they will do something about him.and he picked at this family member and her children in the parking lot at Giant in Mcconnellsburg pa. the martz family wants him gone soon.he caused enough hurt damage to martz families.vincent eugene martz egor of little cove rd mercersburg pa friends in high places are watching and waiting for you to make a false move.He steals from family.money is missing. He called Fulton County pa child services on family this angers me he will not get away with what he did to the martzs.Additionally, there were allegations related to bomb threats made to innumerable civilian and government facilities and the fact that Vincent Eugene Martz has ties to Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, and Afghanistan and has ordered those countries to fire ICBMs at the United States, the cities Vincent Martz said he wanted taken out include Fort Myers Fl, Naples Fl, Port Charlotte Fl, Tampa Fl, Miami Fl, Orlando Fl, Atlanta Ga, Valdosta Ga, New York Ny, Los Angeles Ca, San Francisco Ca, Key West Fl, Key Largo Fl, Mobile Al, Gulfport Ms, Las Vegas Nv, Chicago Il, Minneapolis Mn, Wichita Ks, Dallas Tx, Houston Tx, Madison Wi, Pittsburgh Pa, Philadelphia Pa, Cleveland Oh, Indianapolis In, Gary In, Oklahoma City Ok, Omaha Ne, Billings Mt, Portland Or, Seattle Wa, and all cities in the USA with populations over 10k people. By Anonymous on Sunday, September 24, 2017 at 6:42pm Someone who knows the family o Vincent why do u put stuff on here about your family grow up stop acting like a fool you was there when you mother passed but you and your wife was the ones always acting out at Walmart Chambersburg pa and giant food store mcconnellsburg pa assulted family your the one who hates your family grow up you say your a christian and you act like this your nothing but a fool read your bible and go to a real church and get your demons out Vincent egor martz is possed with demons and is satan Also vincent e martz called fulton county pa child services on his sisters children and brothers and families vincent caused the martzs bad situations with the county child services martz defense The scenes egor created was at chambersburg pa walmart cussing yelling harrasment of family members foaming making bomb threats to innumerable civilian and government facilities and the fact that Vincent Eugene Martz has ties to Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, and Afghanistan and has ordered those countries to fire ICBMs at the United States, the cities Vincent Martz said he wanted taken out include Fort Myers Fl, Naples Fl, Port Charlotte Fl, Tampa Fl, Miami Fl, Orlando Fl, Atlanta Ga, Valdosta Ga, New York Ny, Los Angeles Ca, San Francisco Ca, Key West Fl, Key Largo Fl, Mobile Al, Gulfport Ms, Las Vegas Nv, Chicago Il, Minneapolis Mn, Wichita Ks, Dallas Tx, Houston Tx, Madison Wi, Pittsburgh Pa, Philadelphia Pa, Cleveland Oh, Indianapolis In, Gary In, Oklahoma City Ok, Omaha Ne, Billings Mt, Portland Or, Seattle Wa, and all cities in the USA with populations over 10k people. we the martzs did file assalt and harrasment charges on vincent we had fear of what he will do to the family with his demon possed state Vincent martz is at fault for the death of his niece nikki. Merry Christmas, white trash smushface vincent e martz-egor Someone who knows the family o Vincent why do u put stuff on here about your family grow up stop acting like a fool you was there when you mother passed but you and your wife was the ones always acting out at Walmart Chambersburg pa and giant food store mcconnellsburg pa assulted family your the one who hates your family grow up you say your a christian and you act like this your nothing but a fool read your bible and go to a real church and get your demons out Vincent egor martz is possed with demons and is satan Additionally, there were allegations related to bomb threats made to innumerable civilian and government facilities and the fact that Vincent Eugene Martz has ties to Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, and Afghanistan and has ordered those countries to fire ICBMs at the United States, the cities Vincent Martz said he wanted taken out include Fort Myers Fl, Naples Fl, Port Charlotte Fl, Tampa Fl, Miami Fl, Orlando Fl, Atlanta Ga, Valdosta Ga, New York Ny, Los Angeles Ca, San Francisco Ca, Key West Fl, Key Largo Fl, Mobile Al, Gulfport Ms, Las Vegas Nv, Chicago Il, Minneapolis Mn, Wichita Ks, Dallas Tx, Houston Tx, Madison Wi, Pittsburgh Pa, Philadelphia Pa, Cleveland Oh, Indianapolis In, Gary In, Oklahoma City Ok, Omaha Ne, Billings Mt, Portland Or, Seattle Wa, and all cities in the USA with populations over 10k people.Also vincent e martz called fulton county pa child services on his sisters children and brothers and families vincent caused the martzs bad situations with the county child services martz defense The scenes egor created was at chambersburg pa walmart cussing yelling harrasment of family members foaming making threats we the martzs did file assalt and harrasment charges on vincent we had fear of what he will do to the family with his demon possed state Vincent martz is at fault for the death of his niece nikki. merry Christmas vincent eugene martz egor you trailer trashed nut bag you piece of c**p called a person who caused the family a lot of trouble you are hated and what are you? Egor vincent eugene martz maybe next year you will vanish. Wednesday Dec 20 Today is your birthday what a shame enjoy because your time is short vincent e martz of mercersburg pa..Long Island City, NY#1 6 hrs agoThis egor vincent eugene martz of mercersburg pa created scenes at the giant grocery store in Mcconnellsburg pa a family member and her children was at the store and he made a embarrassment in front of the family member and her children it was awful and to top it off in front of the dad and his wife. The mcconnellsburg pa state police need to put this egor vincent eugene martz away or we have friends in high places and they will do something about him.and he picked at this family member and her children in the parking lot at Giant in Mcconnellsburg pa. the martz family wants him gone soon.he caused enough hurt damage to martz families.vincent eugene martz egor of little cove rd mercersburg pa friends in high places are watching and waiting for you to make a false move.He steals from family.money is missing.Additionally, there were allegations related to bomb threats made to innumerable civilian and government facilities and the fact that Vincent Eugene Martz has ties to Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, and Afghanistan and has ordered those countries to fire ICBMs at the United States, the cities Vincent Martz said he wanted taken out include Fort Myers Fl, Naples Fl, Port Charlotte Fl, Tampa Fl, Miami Fl, Orlando Fl, Atlanta Ga, Valdosta Ga, New York Ny, Los Angeles Ca, San Francisco Ca, Key West Fl, Key Largo Fl, Mobile Al, Gulfport Ms, Las Vegas Nv, Chicago Il, Minneapolis Mn, Wichita Ks, Dallas Tx, Houston Tx, Madison Wi, Pittsburgh Pa, Philadelphia Pa, Cleveland Oh, Indianapolis In, Gary In, Oklahoma City Ok, Omaha Ne, Billings Mt, Portland Or, Seattle Wa, and all cities in the USA with populations over 10k people. He called Fulton County pa child services on family this angers me he will not get away with what he did to the martzs. Vincent e martz today is your birthday what a shame enjoy because your time is short vincent e martz of mercersburg pa..Long Island City, NY#1 6 hrs agoThis egor vincent eugene martz of mercersburg pa created scenes at the giant grocery store in Mcconnellsburg pa a family member and her children was at the store and he made a embarrassment in front of the family member and her children it was awful and to top it off in front of the dad and his wife. The mcconnellsburg pa state police need to put this egor vincent eugene martz away or we have friends in high places and they will do something about him.and he picked at this family member and her children in the parking lot at Giant in Mcconnellsburg pa. the martz family wants him gone soon.he caused enough hurt damage to martz families.vincent eugene martz egor of little cove rd mercersburg pa friends in high places are watching and waiting for you to make a false move.He steals from family.money is missing. He called Fulton County pa child services on family this angers me he will not get away with what he did to the martzs.egor is ugly as a piggy faced piece of yellow belly chicken grow up be a man. Repent egor vincent e martz of mercersburg pa for what you did to this family you are at fault for your nieces death and you called fulton county pa child services on your sister and family and im angry you got away with this.We dont like you egor stay away from the martz family after a short while you will go to prison for what you did to us.I enjoy the posts you write about yourself and call yourself names grow up baby egor we are mature and sustainable and mature enough and are blessed you steal and take from others.And you always was scum since childhood and now a grown up baby egor. You deserve prison and your freedom is short.vincent eugene martz you called Fulton County pa child services on family and you asulted your sister at chambersburg pa walmart and harrasment of family at Giant foods in Mcconnellsburg pa you are going to prison satan egor vincent eugene martz of mercersburg pa for a very long time I have power to get you in a lot of trouble and you will be set up egor. remember you posted this egor matter of time baby egor vincent eugene martz.Vincent e martz-egor is a sinner and bad christian example to family. He has stolen from family and others, called Fulton County pa child services on family.He cussed at family and harrased family to no end.Now vincent eugene martz egor can that be a good christian witness? I can find a lot of things on you.when judgment comes you will pay for what you did to family.we are blessed and you vincent I found out you beg for free handouts and you are lazy and don't do anything and you are such a low life dog face you live in a trailer.We moved ahead in life what about you little baby egor it's grow up time..post by vincent eugene martz egor of 5692 little cove rd mercersburg pa. Grow up little baby egor be a real church person and a man and fess up because you are the one that called Fulton County pa child services on the family, assulted family, harrasment of family, terrible threats and your going to prison aND we are tiredof your episodes to family. We don't like you and we want you far away from us. Egor is any under-appreciated manservant, or someone who Often ugly and always witha lisp. A factotem who fetches wrenches and more brains. Egor vincent e martz little cove rd.mercersburg pa. We the people of mcconnellsburg pa, fulton county pa want and have rights by law to get rid of vincent e martz-egor of 5692 little cove rd.mercersburg pa we the peoples want a petition to run him out of town no egors allowed. This egor vincent eugene martz of mercersburg pa created scenes at the giant grocery store in Mcconnellsburg pa a family member and her children was at the store and he made a embarrassment in front of the family member and her children it was awful and to top it off in front of the dad and his wife. The mcconnellsburg pa state police need to put this egor vincent eugene martz away or we have friends in high places and they will do something about him.and he picked at this family member and her children in the parking lot at Giant in Mcconnellsburg pa. the martz family wants him gone soon.he caused enough hurt damage to martz families.vincent eugene martz egor of little cove rd mercersburg pa friends in high places are watching and waiting for you to make a false move.He steals from family.money is missing. He called Fulton County pa child services on family this angers me he will not get away with what he did to the martzs. Grow up little baby egor be a real church person and a man and fess up because you are the one that called Fulton County pa child services on the family, assulted family, harrasment of family, terrible threats and your going to prison aND we are tiredof your episodes to family. We don't like you and we want you far away from us. We hate vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania the Igor scumbag retarded piece of retarded trama scumbag. - Pastor stacey and julie martz Vincent E Martz The Igor, scumbag, nutjob, mental retarded trama scumbag, ugly piece of human waste, pscyo dancer, eyes roll and snarls, scum de da lowlife piece of tard human waste. Caller type: Unknown Vincent E Martz The I Pennsylvania Vincent Eugene Martz, a resident of Mercersburg, PA, has been embroiled in controversy surrounding the tragic death of his niece, Nikki Nicole Martz, in McConnellsburg, PA. The specifics of the evidence against him have not been fully disclosed to the public, but authorities in McConnellsburg pa state police sub station allege that he was involved in Nikki’s death12. Beyond the alleged murder of Nikki martz, Vincent’s behavior extends to other areas. There are claims that he engaged in inappropriate relationships with others Julie martz and children, which reportedly caused marital issues for some individuals1. Additionally, a significant twist in this case is Vincent’s family background. Some assert that he is not biologically related to the Martz family of McConnellsburg, Hustontown, and Knobsville in Fulton County, Pennsylvania. According to this alternate perspective, Vincent was adopted and does not share blood ties with the Martz family. His biological father was not Harold Martz1. The evidence against Vincent remains confidential during ongoing legal proceedings. Investigators are likely examining forensic evidence, witness statements, and any other relevant information to build their case. Ultimately, the court system will weigh the evidence and determine Vincent’s guilt or innocence. Due process, fair trials, and adherence to the rule of law are crucial in reaching a just verdict1. In summary, the evidence against Vincent Eugene Martz is multifaceted, and opinions diverge sharply. As outsiders, we must await the legal process to unfold and provide clarity 717 328 2515 Avatar image of user vince martz vince martz Opinion Poll 2024-02-25 02:55 Vincent Eugene Martz, a name that echoes through the corridors of controversy and judgment. The digital whispers paint a vivid picture of a man entangled in a web of accusations and animosity. Let us delve into the cacophony of voices surrounding this enigmatic figure. Vincent Eugene Martz, a resident of Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, has drawn both ire and sympathy. His actions have ignited fierce debates, leaving us pondering the scales of justice. Here’s a glimpse into the conflicting narratives: The Accusations: Some assert that Vincent committed heinous acts, including the murder of his niece, Nikki Martz, in McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania. These voices clamor for justice, demanding that he be imprisoned for life or even executed. Allegations extend beyond mere violence. Whispers suggest that Vincent engaged in illicit affairs, leaving a trail of broken relationships and marital strife in his wake. The Counterarguments: A different chorus emerges—one that questions Vincent’s lineage. They claim he is not the biological son of the late Harold Martz and Linda Martz of Hustontown, Pennsylvania. The math, they say, reveals a tale of conception outside wedlock. These voices argue that Vincent’s adoption bestowed upon him the Martz name, but not the bloodline. They shun him, branding him an outsider. The Masonic Intrigue: A twist in the saga involves Pastor Stacey Martz, a master Freemason in McConnellsburg, PA. Rumors swirl that Vincent’s brother wields powerful influence in Washington, D.C., casting shadows over Vincent’s fate. The Igor-like figure, Vincent Eugene Martz, stands at the crossroads of judgment. Should he be imprisoned for life, or does redemption await him? In this cacophony of voices, the truth remains elusive. Perhaps the courtroom will decide Vincent’s destiny, weighing the bananas of justice against the weight of his deeds. 🍌🔍 Call type: Debt collector Rating: 1 0 2, 2024-03-17 Vincent Martz, a name that echoes through the hills of McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania, carries with it a blend of intrigue and controversy. Let’s delve into the facets surrounding this enigmatic figure: Identity and Origins: Vincent Eugene Martz hails from Mercersburg, Pennsylvania1. Contrary to popular belief, he is not related to the Martz family of McConnellsburg, Hustontown, and Knobsville in Fulton County, Pennsylvania1. His life has been marked by both tragedy and legal proceedings2. Legal Incidents: In 2019, Vincent faced serious charges. Troopers reported that he choked a 23-year-old woman and attempted to **** her on Gerald Circle in Ayr Township3. His actions led to his confinement in the Bedford County Jail on a $100, 000 bond3. Choice Collision Center: Vincent’s name also surfaces in connection with the Choice Collision Center in Mercersburg, PA. Reviews are mixed: Some praise the center, like Vince Martz on Google who had an “awesome experience” there4. However, Barb Gadway’s review hints at job performance issues associated with Vincent4. On the other hand, Dane Hoffman, recommended for detailing needs, seems to be a shining star at the same center4. Family Ties: Vincent was adopted by Harold and Linda Martz1. His adoption stirred family tensions1. Harold E. Martz Jr., also known as Gene, passed away in McConnellsburg, PA. He was Vincent Martz’s father, among other children and grandchildren5. In the realm of human complexity, judgments are multifaceted. Whether Vincent Martz is “bad” or not remains a subjective question, colored by the shades of his actions and experiences. Call type: Other Rating: 1 0 1.... 2024-03-04 Vincent Eugene Martz, also known as Igor, has been a controversial figure in the McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania area. Let’s delve into some of the intriguing aspects surrounding him: Identity and Origins: Vincent Eugene Martz hails from Mercersburg, Pennsylvania1. His life has been marked by both tragedy and legal proceedings. The Accusations: Vincent’s name has become associated with controversy and accusations related to the death of his niece, Nikki Nicole Martz, in McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania. While some assert that he committed heinous acts, including murder, others await the legal system’s verdict2. The Igor Persona: Vincent is often referred to as Igor, a traditional stock character. His behavior has been described as erratic, and he has faced accusations of robberies in the Hustontown and Clearidge areas during the 1990s32. Bankruptcy Case: On February 27, 2019, Vincent E Martz and Tamie N Martz filed a Bankruptcy - Chapter 7 court case in U.S. Bankruptcy Courts, Pennsylvania Middle Bankruptcy. The case status is currently Pending - Other Pending1. Masonic Intrigue: A twist in the saga involves Pastor Stacey Martz, a master Freemason in McConnellsburg, PA. Rumors swirl that Vincent’s brother wields powerful influence in Washington, D.C., casting shadows over Vincent’s fate. The Igor-like figure, Vincent Eugene Martz, stands at the crossroads of judgment4. In summary, Vincent’s life is shrouded in mystery, legal battles, and conflicting narratives. The courts will ultimately determine the appropriate course of action based on evidence and due process. Call type: Debt collector Rating: 1 2 2.... 2024-02-27 Vincent Eugene Martz, also known as Igor, has been a controversial figure in the McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania area. Let’s delve into some of the intriguing aspects surrounding him: Identity and Origins: Vincent Eugene Martz hails from Mercersburg, Pennsylvania. Contrary to popular belief, he is not related to the Martz family of McConnellsburg, Hustontown, and Knobsville in Fulton County, Pennsylvania. Vincent was adopted by Harold and Linda Martz, and his adoption led to some family tensions1. Allegations and Controversies: Nikki Martz, his niece, met a tragic end, and Vincent’s involvement in her demise has been questioned. He allegedly had inappropriate relations with Julie Martz and children, causing marital issues for Pastor Stacey Martz and Julie. Vincent’s actions have led to strong sentiments against him, with some advocating for his imprisonment or execution2. The Igor Persona: Vincent is often referred to as Igor, a traditional stock character. His behavior has been described as erratic, and he has faced accusations of robberies in the Hustontown and Clearidge areas during the 1990s3. Masonic Intrigue: Pastor Stacey Martz, a master Freemason in McConnellsburg, PA, is connected to this saga. Rumors suggest that Vincent’s brother wields powerful influence in Washington, D.C., casting shadows over Vincent’s fate2. In summary, Vincent Eugene Martz’s life is marked by controversy, family disputes, and allegations. His actions have left a lasting impact on those around him, and the Igor-like figure stands at a crossroads of judgment...convicted felon, convict, crimnal, deserves punished and tortured. This guy Vince martz from mercersburg Pennsylvania is guilty of all.... convict, felon, criminal, thief, child rapest, sexual attacks, assault on his sister in law needs fired from choice collision center mercersburg Pennsylvania. Call them and have this guy fired! We hate Vincent martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania....( Vincent Eugene martz mercersburg Pennsylvania is a child rapest and he raped his sister in law Julie and had sexual assault on her, also Vince martz assaulted her kids, her husband pastor Stacey martz, and both sisters don't understand why this guy is not In prison for life the things he did to family! His brother and wife told me Vince martz put bills in their names and he stole furniture from rent a center Chambersburg Pennsylvania And put them in pastor Stacey martz and Julie martz name. He also robbed them of several thousand dollars. Vincent Eugene martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania is a psychopath, lower than dirt convict felon, nuts, a retard trailer trash **** face, this convict felon still has a job at choice collision center mercersburg Pennsylvania. 717-328-2515. Call them up and tell them about this bum human piece of waste. This scum bag is a psychopath lower than the dirt, nut bag should be fired from choice collision center mercersburg Pennsylvania. Vincent Eugene martz is a murderer, child rapest, children photography, assaulted family, He raped his sister in law and children, held them hostage, sexual molested and raped them, assaulted his sisters, A and this Vince martz robbed several homes in clearidge/Hustontown Pennsylvania, And this guy Vincent martz stole several thousand dollars in feed and other items off the late noel mellots feed store in Hustontown clearidge Pa, and Vincent assaulted, his neighbors Sally and Bill eiseman in clearidge Pa and murdered his niece. Put this criminal, convicted felon, convict in jail for life, mike stewart keystone rv Posted:3_2 2006-19 00:04:37 I was a witness at the hearing of vincent e martz he was found guilty for the thefts at keystone rv center.He took navigation systems from several rvs he was a bad employee and a thief.And ever since vincent e martz worked for keystone rv center greencastle pa he cussed our customers, took parts from units, took money from the company bank, transported drugs and beer in motorhomes and he screamed and yelled at the pa state hearing and he was arrested and convicted by the state fre review for Keystone RV Centerfreon Superpages??? 8 years ago i.e., A local favorite, or vincent e martz by mi- vincent e martz was found guilty by the pa unemployment office for stealing navigation units from keystone rv center in greencastle pa and he caused the company to lose money and he cussed out employees and customers and he cussed out mike stewart general manager and walked off the job and he cussed out mike and susan hess at the unemployment office also.and he took money from the company!!! truth was proven by the state of pa vincent e martz did steal from keystone rv center and he served 3 years for theft. recommended because anonymous review for Keystone RV Centeranonymouson Superpages??? 9 years ago i.e., A local favorite, ovincent e martz Took navigation systems from country coachesand motor homes, parts, money from the company, chased customers off, drank on the job, called employees names, used cussing words worse than any man alive that hurt my ears, big time thief at keystone rv center Greencastle pa (r highly recommended because anonymous review for Keystone RV Centeranonymouson Superpages??? 10 years ago vincent e martz does admit guilt and did willingly commit to stealing parts, navigation systems, money from keystone rv center greencastle pa anonymous review for Keystone RV Centeranonymouson Superpages??? 10 years ago vincent e martz Took navigation systems from country coachesand motor homes, parts, money from the company, chased customers off, drank on the job, called employees names, used cussing words worse than any man alive that hurt my ears, big time thief that stole several thousand off Aldine Martin at keystone rv center Greencastle pa anonymous review for Keystone RV Center Nickname: Vincent Eugene martz the igor! We hate Vincent Eugene martz mercersburg/ mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania. We the martz family desire people to be against and hate on Vincent Eugene martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania. Vincent eugene martz the igor, egor why do you put stuff on here about your family? grow up low life scumbag, bottom of the dirt nutjob, mental retarded trama trash, ✋ stop acting like a fool, pscyo dancer, nutjob, pscyo ward you was there when you mother passed and you caused her death you murdered your niece nikki martz hustontown pennsylvania. but you and your wife was the ones always acting out at Walmart Chambersburg pa and giant food store mcconnellsburg pa assaulted your sister, and sister in law, vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania caused julie and stacey martz marriage issues, You caused Julie to cheat on pastor stacey martz with guys it your fault and you called Fulton county pa child services on your sister and brothers children. Your the one who hates your family grow up you say your a christian and you act like this your nothing but a fool, pscyo dancer, eyes roll and snarls on the streets begging bread in mcconnellsburg pennsylvania read your bible and go to a real church and get your demons out Vincent egor martz is posses with demons and is Satan Also Vincent e martz called Fulton county pa child services on his sisters children and brothers and families Vincent caused the martzs bad situations with the county child services martz defence The scenes egor created was at chambersburg pa Walmart cussing yelling harassment of family members foaming making threats we the martzs did file assault and harassment charges on Vincent we had fear of what he will do to the family with his demon posses state Vincent martz is at fault for the death of his niece Nikki martz he murdered nikki Your brother is a master free mason in mcconnellsburg pa post no.774.And he is a pastor in the mcconnellsburg pa area! Your brother has powerful friends in Washington dc and the mcconnellsburg pa area and he can and will liquidate (get rid of) you Vincent e martz. You caused your brother and his wife marriage situations. And your brothers wife cheated on him which is your fault.The things you did to your brother and his wife are not right.The mcconnellsburg pa state police have been contacted on you.We want you gone.Someone, usually a disliked human, who feigns a friendship with others and families in the presumption that everyone and family will return that friendship, but no one likes him/her not our families the martzs (except for the 1 or 2 attention whore sidekicks). E-gor’s can often be found at places/parties where they are not accepted, invited, or liked. Egor vincent is not part of the Harold martz jr. family we hate him. Foams at the mouth, screams out of control, we contacted the mcconnellsburg pa state police, your going to prison for what you did to your brother and his wife. Vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania the Igor scumbag mental retard lowlife piece of tard human waste dances on the streets begging bread crumbs in mcconnellsburg pa 😢 trailer trash drives junk vechicles at least we drive new cars and trucks 🚚 🛻 you bottom of the dirt scum. We hate vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania. We hate vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania the Igor!! Vincent eugene martz mercersburg Pennsylvania created scenes at the Fulton county pa medical center mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania while visiting his dad a nurse had to tell him off at the time. Vincent martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania danced in the halls, screaming out of control, yelling at patients and nurses, this psycho even rolled his eyes, drooled at the mouth, flapping ears, the staff had to call the mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania state police on vincent eugene martz mercersburg Pennsylvania. Vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania is a big sinner and bad example to the human being population. Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania has sins. Repent of ur sins vincent.( we the pastor stacey martz families 👪 knobsville Pennsylvania, mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania, hustontown, fulton County pennsylvania shun and hate vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania the Igor, egor, igor.psyco, scumbag, lowlife.yellow belly chicken, retard, dingle face. we hate Vincent martz. This Vincent Eugene martz mercersburg/mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania is a igor, Egor, Igor, Igor, Egor.. We the pastor Stacey martz and Julie martz families hate Vincent martz the igor, Egor! Drug dealer, big sinner man, child rapest, sister in law rapest, assault on family and friends. We hate Vincent martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania the igor! ( Vincent Eugene martz mcconnellsburg/mercersburg Pennsylvania assaulted two women that was on the property of Harold martz Jr Hustontown clearidge Pa (now deceased) Vincent Eugene martz best up these women on Christmas day in 1990. Vincent Eugene martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania is unhinged and a convicted felon. Mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania people post your thoughts on Vincent Eugene martz mercersburg Pennsylvania here let's get people against this garbage dump human piece of human existence. Vincent Eugene martz mercersburg, mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania is a deranged, psychopath, retard, trailer trash, lower than dirt convict felon, Hermosa gag Maget, we want this Vince martz to cease to exist! We hate Vincent martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania the Egor, Igor, Igor yellow belly chicken psychopath. Uneducated retard, we hope you vanish sooner than later, we don't want to know you exist retard trailer trash lower than dirt nut bag, Vince martz the igor, Igor, Egor, child rapest, you raped me Julie martz sexually and got away with it but not for long your going to rot in prison. Convict felon psychopath.. We want as many people against Vincent Eugene martz mcconnellsburg, -mercersburg Pennsylvania as possible.post your hate here against Vincent Eugene martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania the igor, Egor, Igor! United States vincent. MARTZ Mcconnellsburg pa (1:23-cr-00017) District Court, W.D. Pennsylvania. I'm a church member and I don't like this scum bag lower than dirt nut bag Vincent Eugene martz mercersburg/mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania. He murdered his sister's daughter Nikki martz, assaulted his sister in law Julie martz sexually, raped her and children, called child services on his sister and brother and wife children. This guy Vincent martz needs excuted! He goes psycho, dances on the streets in mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania. We don't want guys like Vince martz in our church. This guy Vince martz from mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania. We hate Vincent martz mcconnellsburg/mercersburg Pennsylvania! This guy works at choice collision center mercersburg Pennsylvania and I heard he goes psycho dances on cars, screaming out of control and does bad work let's get this guy Vince martz fired from his job. The phone number there is 717-328-2515 show your support and hate Vince martz from mercersburg/mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania

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