Its from Bord Gais Energy
Ireland - Phone Number Directory
Its from Bord Gais Energy
The phone number +353851402039 is used by an Irish online furniture seller, currently called "DMG Furniture Delivered", but they have used other names in the past. They are a dishonest business, the goods they deliver do not match the description ,and they simply block calls from unhappy customers.
This number is used by an Irish online furniture seller, currently called "DMG Furniture Delivered", but they have used other names in the past. They are a dishonest business, the goods they deliver do not match the description ,and they simply block calls from unhappy customers.
called me several times, says hello and hangs up. They call back several times doing the same thing. Sometimes the last 2 digits change. Very odd.
Who call who know is number
Tried to call number back and "the number you are calling is not recognised"
Board Gais offers
Who owns this number ? I received a miss call when I rang back I couldn't understand what he was saying. I asked where he was calling from and he hung up. I tried ringing back no answer has anyone else experienced this.
Answered this to blank line, no response. Just realised it's 3rd call in week from very similar numbers , same code/prefix but slightly different final digits. Definite concern.
Crypto trading scam
Supposedly from AN POST Your package has a €1.90 unpaid fee. To Pay this visit anpost-ie-customs. I am NOT expecting a package so therefore this is a SCAM
This number is from Regiona Broadband, Ireland
It's a dating site scammer
Very strange link sent in message about a package delivery in my name
link sent in message about a package delivery in my name that I don't know anything about.
automated call
Last Numbers
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